Llano County Master Gardener Association
The Llano County Master Gardener Association is a community of gardeners. We are a non-profit educational and volunteer service organization. We are affiliated with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, an agency of Texas A&M University. We are a member of the Texas Master Gardener Association. We are friendly, fun, inclusive, and hard-working.
The Llano County Master Gardner program’s goal is to provide horticultural outreach, education programs, and services to the people of Llano County. Educational programs, open to you, are given at monthly general membership meetings and at community events. Our projects include design, native plantings, plant identification markers, and upkeep of Llano Depot Garden, Pioneer Park (at the side of Llano Museum), and Llano Library. We have a twice-yearly native plant and tree sale on the first Saturday of April and the first Saturday of October. Proceeds of donations and sales are used for our college scholarship program and to support our educational and beautification projects.
Our Master Gardener class begins in February of Odd Years. The next class will start on February 3rd, 2025. The application and more information are on our website. Check us out. http://www.llanocountymastergardener.org/
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/llanocountymastergardener